Thank You for Subscribing

Your Digital CV setup is ready and would need you to send us the required details to fill in it.

Things required for your Digital CV

  1. Send Updated Resume Copy. Send us your updated resume / CV copy at [email protected]
  2. Passport Size Photo. Our resume templates has option to add your personal photograph to highlight.
  3. Videos. Send us link to your career related Videos to get embedded in your CV
  4. Images. Send us images related to your Projects, Wins, Awards, etc which you want to put in your NextCV.
  5. Other Info. Such as Certifications, References, Summary text, etc

[kleo_button title=”SEND INFORMATION NOW!” href=”” style=”default” size=”” ]

We’d be more than happy to help you and your Career succeed, so email us. For any query or clarification, please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to assist you. Our aim is to build your online presence and connect you to the digital world of career opportunities.

Our platform will allow your career to boost by Creating your online career presence, Building your digital CV to showcase your projects, wins & awards and Impress your employer to get better job opportunities online through your NextCV profile.

We will customize the content on your newly created digital CV, upload images, etc and provide you with the backend details to allow you to update your content yourself later.

So now, you just need to provide your content to get started ! Here are the sample CVs to get understanding of what content you can provide. Click image to open.